We are seeking your views on the proposed open access requirements for REF 2029.

Over the years, REF has incentivised open access developments by including open access requirements for eligible outputs. Meeting these requirements is dependent on the availability of funds and also on suitable publishing options.  This availability is not universal and can vary by institution, career stage, discipline, publisher, output type and other factors.  The BSA wants to hear about sociologists’ experiences and views to provide feedback and evidence on the REF and open access.

A consultation on REF is currently ongoing (full information on the REF consultation is available here) and the BSA is planning a response.  To support our response, we are asking sociologists to complete a short survey to share your experiences of publishing your work open access and your views on the REF proposals.

The survey takes between 5-10 minutes to complete.


Please submit your responses by Tuesday, 11 June 2024.

Alison Danforth, BSA Publications Manager
On behalf of the BSA President and Members of the Board of Trustees